Wednesday, April 29, 2009

勇士 紅雀三連戰@亞特蘭大

Apr.27,28,29, 2009 勇士紅雀三連戰@亞特蘭大
MLB Cardinals @ Braves

夏天到了,棒球季節又來臨啦! 最近對於美國職棒的關心因為王建民一開賽就被打爆,然後又因傷被下放而有點降溫。由於洋基遠在紐約,很難直接感受到明星球隊的熱情,身為一名不專業的球迷,又不巧住在亞特蘭大,的確是應該好好花點時間來支持主場的球隊。


閒話不多說,直接進場吧! 亞特蘭大勇士隊目前戰績暫居國聯東區第三,由於打線薄弱,目前苟延殘喘中。位在市中心的球場Tuner Field以身為老闆的媒體大亨Ted Tuner (泰德‧透納)命名,球場在2005年弄來了一台當時最大的HD螢幕看板,讓球迷在進行球賽之餘也可以清楚的看到球員資料與慢動作重播。

遠望球場 Tuner Field


球場前方球員的銅像 (資料待查)





Chick fil A 速食店的牛廣告 -->這家賣雞的店老是叫乳牛出來奉勸大家多吃雞



前面講了勇士隊的大電視,來看一下電視的效果,這時候就要請出噗吼獅了! 比較一下場邊觀眾跟噗吼獅的鼻孔大小看看。





接著Matt Diaz敲出一支穿越二壘壘包的安打!




On my own now~

Bye~ Kathleen,

See u in 3 weeks. Hope you have a wonderful journey in Korea.

..... who's going to be in my birthday party this year??

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

BBQ day in Piedmont park

Suddenly, the weather become summer. I remember 3 weeks ago, there was even a flurry in Atlanta, and now, the temperature goes to 91 today.

Just because the weather is perfect, our friend, Gabriel and Paz, from Chile held a BBQ party in Piedmont park this Sunday.

The park located in the cert er of Atlanta. It's our first time here. Before that, I don't know there's a park that big in the city. The lawns, lakes, running course, and everything you can expect are here. I guess it would take hours to walk around the whole park.

Kathleen's friends, Kim, Junjia, Yuka, Paula, Deniel from the ESL also attended the party. Later, Paz's colleagues came to join us.

Good food, ice beer and a bottle of wine give us a good time in the early summer.

Monday, April 20, 2009

重遊 UNC Chapel Hill

Last weekend we went back to UNC Chapel Hill for a visit.

I took one day off on Friday and drive all the way to North Carolina. In celebrate of Kathleen got her drive license on Thursday, she drove for the first 200 miles. She drived pretty good, but need more experience on the highway. To be honest, I was freak out at the first 15 minutes on her driving. Then she's doing pretty well.

It's good to go back to Chapel Hill, feel like go back to the home town.

We met my professor Dr. Lee in his office. He's still my most respected professor. Then my master, Dr. Goto, she teach and help me a lot on my phD thesis, and open a gate of synthetic chemistry for me.

my golf partner, Dr. Akiyama. A funnny professor knows everyone in the field of pharmaceutical science in Japan.

also my friends 小明、一州、珂多、周婷、老猴、 巧婷~ makes me think of the old time..

Dr. Lee and Mrs. Lee set up a reunion for KMU pharmacy includes 老猴, 巧婷, Kathleen, me, and himself at Cheesecake Factory in South Point Mall. That's a really nice place and great food they serve.

The next day we went to the Maple View Farm for the best ice cream in the world!!

Ken & Ting's cats

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

美國報稅截止日期 Tax Day - ITIN大奮戰




問題來啦,在報州稅之前我們還是沒有辦法拿到這個號碼,因此必須要去州的稅收機關,在亞特蘭大這裡叫做Department of Revenue,送一張延後報稅的申請表(Form 303,可在網路找到),繳了這張表以後就可以延後六個月報稅,也就是等我們拿到ITIN號碼之後再報就行了。

幫自己作個筆記,拿到ITIN之後要再去Department of Revenue一樓入口處的Customer Service繳交
1.GA 500表格
2.COPY的form 303


Monday, April 13, 2009

Change 終於把頭髮剪掉了







Finally, after 8 months, I decide to get a hair cut.

Back to the normal looking and will keep it until my weeding date.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

冬季 阿拉斯加之旅 遊記整理


冬季阿拉斯加之旅 Day 1 從亞特蘭大出發

冬季阿拉斯加之旅 Day 2 南方小漁港舒華德 Seward

冬季阿拉斯加之旅 Day 3 Alyaska滑雪

冬季阿拉斯加之旅 Day 4 阿拉斯加野生動物保育中心 &阿拉斯加皮草節

冬季阿拉斯加之旅 Day 5 極光列車直奔費爾班克斯

冬季阿拉斯加之旅 Day 6 費爾班克斯市區風光

冬季阿拉斯加之旅 Day 7 狗拉雪橇 & 契納溫泉 & 極光出現

冬季阿拉斯加之旅 Day 8 北方極地博物館

冬季阿拉斯加之旅 Day 9 回溫暖的家

花費/兩人份 約$1800 (美金)

-飛機 - 用哩程換的機票,$20稅金
-遊船 - $138+tax = $166
-火車 - 特價 $198
-安克拉治租車+三天全險 - $127
-費爾班克斯租車三天 - $115
-油錢 $80

旅館八晚共 $750
-Days Inn $72
-Holiday Inn $83
-Alyaska $218 (含滑雪)
-Millennium Alaskan $82
-Wedgewood Resort 兩天 $162
-Chandalar Ranch 兩天 $130

門票娛樂共 $125
-冰雕展 $20
-北方博物館 $25
-雪具 $70
-溫泉一人 $10

飲食:約 $250