Wednesday, December 26, 2007


那還用說,當然是最愛的人嘍~ 小可+BUBU+親手做的大餐=溫暖的聖誕夜

Friday, December 07, 2007

Prof. Luc Pieters from Antwerpen, Belgium

You can call it's a Editor collection. Chief Editor of Planta Medica of Gesellschaft fur Arzneipflanzenfurschung (GA), Prof. Luc Pieters came for a invited lecture in KMU. He is a really nice guy. We talk a lot aobut the journal, research, laboratory, and life as a pfofessor. The picture took around the lotus pond in Kaohsiung.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


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Saturday, November 10, 2007

hot hot~

Pretty lucky this time. This submission is published on the J. Nat. Med., another Japan one. Thanks for all the coauthors, especially my most experienced partner, Prof. Hideji Itokawa.

Ivy is getting married

Well, pretty Ivy is gerring married. The boy seems a nice one, though I met him for 3 times only. Please take good care to my sis. She's the best one and the only one in my life. Wish you couple love forever.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


天氣漸漸變涼了,早上跟晚上騎摩托車的時候都要穿上外套,好像冬天快要到了。不知道Chapel Hill 今年會不會下雪,恩~ 先來準備halloween的道具吧!今天首先登場的是---邪惡的黑貓氣球一隻!有著大圓頭的貓瞇曾經是BUBU的好朋友,不過在一場惡鬥之後,BUBU就開始害怕大頭喵(其實是她膽小)。


Sunday, September 16, 2007


謝謝你啦~ 芝野真喜雄教授,我們在Journal of Natural Products 又發表一篇有趣的研究!現在邊看paper邊吞silymarin藥丸,終於感覺做的研究有點踏實的樣子。

nice beach at the end of summer

well, Kathleen planed to bask in the beach for a long time. so we went Kenting at the end of this summer. It was windy and the water was perfect -- clear, warm and no jelly fish! Everything was just fine, except for the pain on my back after sunshine.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Bye, Hana, see you next year in Praha

It's hard to say goodbye to your new friends. Hana is a MD from Praha, Czech Republic, joined a exchange program and came to Kaohsiung in the whole August. Although 2 taiphoons keep she staying at the dorm, I think she had a good time traveling in Taiwan.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hey~ how's going, Prof. Motoo

通 元夫教授來到台灣啦! 百聞不如一見,日本教授給人家的感覺是很傳統,很嚴肅的樣子,不過這不一定是真的。Motoo 教授人很健談,也不吝於跟我分享他的興趣......看PAPER,以及週末的休閒活動:陪太太去買日常生活用品。至於他大爆Dr. Akiyama的料,等我求證之後再說吧。

Monday, August 06, 2007

衝衝衝~ 刊登出來啦!

等了快一個月~ 終於刊登出來啦! Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2007, 50, 3921-3927, 永遠跟隨我的一串數字.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

征服! 伯斯普魯斯海峽 (Bosporus) 魯梅里碉堡

十天的土耳其之旅,扣掉坐飛機的三天,只能有很短的時間去認識這個曾經是三個帝國首都,清真寺林立的美麗城市 --- 伊斯坦堡。最有感觸的的,竟然是奸詐的商人,與滿公車跟我揮手的道別的熱情民眾,形成的強烈對比。這次旅行的看到的,不只是美麗的海峽風景,而是人。

J.Med. Chem. 大作即將登場~


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin Published

WOW~ 等了好久的論文終於刊載出來了. 博士班第二篇的發表, 於2007年4月份登在 日本藥學會的期刊 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 值得慶祝一下!

Monday, March 05, 2007


位在韓國全羅北道的全州是個古老的城市,在地圖上看起來雖然不起眼,卻是Kathleen出生的地方。問起Kathleen哪裡才是他的家,卻也不知道了,現在或許是高雄吧。全州最有名的,當然是全州拌飯啦,不同於一般的石鍋拌飯,全州拌飯用的是黃澄澄的金屬(銅?)碗,我點了一個生牛肉拌飯,味道相當濃郁,硬是比一般的烤肉拌飯好吃許多,配上十六道以上的小菜,我的天阿!滿滿的一桌菜~ 而且價錢相當實惠,只要一萬韓圓。不知道是食物好吃的關係嗎,另一個全州的特產,就是美女啦!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Welcome back, Anderson.

It's great to be back to Taiwan! although it's humid and dirty.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Sayonala ~ Dr. Usami & family

Time goes so fast, one year almost past. It's time to say good bye to Dr. Usami & his family. Dr. Usami is a nice guy .... and also funny. Not like a serious japanese professor, he is so much interesting. We have so many thing to talk.. ha, our sceret password is "COACH is MEN'S ENEMY".

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy birthday, Dr. Lee

It's a screat no one knows, Dr. Lee's birthday: 4 Jan, 1940. Hi there, you're 67 already!

ACC Basketball UNC-CH v.s. UPenn

Before living UNC-CH, I got a chance to feel the a citizen's most crazy game, the colleage basketball game. Tonight, University of Pennsylvania came as guest. Of coursr Tar Heel was not going to be nice to them. As they said, its offence doesn't really need to reach triple figures to win games. Nice game to UNC-CH, good experience to me.