Wednesday, November 26, 2008



熊先生住在Atlantic station的新房子裡面,這是一個新的住宅區,房子跟我住的那種傳統木造房子很不一樣,除了室內挑高以外,裝潢跟家具都很有現代感,缺點是社區沒什麼人進駐阿,空蕩蕩的,當然價錢要$1200可能也是很大的原因。

除了飽餐一頓之外,秀還用花牌賭博贏了50 cent左右的宵夜錢,恩,謝謝你熊先生跟企鵝太太。


Loco Blood said...

Hi Anderson,
We have tried to call you, but we apparently have the wrong number. We finally remembered we have your blog. Please call us and leave your mailing address and correct phone number. It looks like you and Kathleen are having a great time. Congratulations on being published, what a big deal. Take care.
Albert and Patty Araujo

Loco Blood said...

Hi Anderson and Kathleen
We saw your pictures, the official engagement pictures in native dress are absolutely beautiful!!
Albert says you look like something out of a magazine, you very handsome, and Kathleen is just fabulous.
The party pictures, Those are from the engagement party? It looks like a wedding reception, but we figured it must be the engagement party. We are so pleased for you. You have worked hard, and the happiness that shines in your eyes with your beautiful bride to be at your side is wonderful to see. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos with us. You have a great eye for photography.
Albert and Patty