Friday, August 31, 2007

Bye, Hana, see you next year in Praha

It's hard to say goodbye to your new friends. Hana is a MD from Praha, Czech Republic, joined a exchange program and came to Kaohsiung in the whole August. Although 2 taiphoons keep she staying at the dorm, I think she had a good time traveling in Taiwan.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hey~ how's going, Prof. Motoo

通 元夫教授來到台灣啦! 百聞不如一見,日本教授給人家的感覺是很傳統,很嚴肅的樣子,不過這不一定是真的。Motoo 教授人很健談,也不吝於跟我分享他的興趣......看PAPER,以及週末的休閒活動:陪太太去買日常生活用品。至於他大爆Dr. Akiyama的料,等我求證之後再說吧。

Monday, August 06, 2007

衝衝衝~ 刊登出來啦!

等了快一個月~ 終於刊登出來啦! Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2007, 50, 3921-3927, 永遠跟隨我的一串數字.