Monday, January 26, 2009

RoadTrip D3-7 Time in Dallas 達拉斯夢

Day 3-6, 12/25-28 Pleno

Kathleen's uncle, Michael, live in Dallas. He is a guy really know how to enjoy the life. He has three labrotors and walk them every morning in a park near by. Kathleen and I go with him once. The fresh air in the morning is really good. But the big dogs are really powerful and hard to control.

Check out the pictures below. My goodness, all these stuff are only in my dream.

Big house with swim pool.

Canon 5D camera

A Hummer H2!!!

A Harley Davidson!!!

Incredible..... I want stay here....

1 comment:

Loco Blood said...

Anderson and Kathleen,
Looks like you are living the life and times of the rich and famous!
Patty and Albert