Sunday, August 09, 2009

Albert & Patty visit Taiwan!

2009年 8月9日

It a story long time ago. It was the summer of 1996. I joined a English learning group for a short term study in Bakersfield, CA. That was my first time to US, and everything is so interesting to me, new people, cars, desert, and numerous things. At that time, I stayed in a host family. That' how I met Albert, Patty, and the whole Loco family, and find the loco blood inside my gene.

To think back the past years, I till think it's amazing that we keep in touch with each other. Maybe only once a year, a phone call or a Christmas is are enough. Until 2002, we met again in Los Angeles. Then in 2006, Kathleen and I went to visit Bakersfield, and stayed one night in their house. I remember it's Kathleen's birthday that day. They even bought a birthday cake and celebrated with us.

And this time, they are coming to Taiwan to join our wedding! That's fantastic!

The flight was scheduled in the evening of Aug. 8th. Kathleen and I went to the airport without knowing the flight was delayed for 8 hours coz the typhoon. We went to the airport again in the morning. This time, they make it!! It's really a long trip for them. I hope they were not exhaust. It's so great to see them again.

Welcome to Taiwan! You are always part of our family!

In the afternoon, we go to the Taipei 101. The building is amazing. Patty has no problem watching down from the top floor, but Albert has. Very funny, ha! And they found there's Hogen Doz ice cream shops were every where in Taiwan. haha~ I took a lot of pictures there with them at the top floor and plaza next to the building. Unfortunately, when Clare put them in to the computer, something was wrong. I lost all of them. I was so sad...

(Clare, I'm going to kill you when I go back.)

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